Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Alkisah Seorang Haziqah

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasih

Assalammualaikum w.b.t
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar.
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan yang mentadbir seluruh Alam.
Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar, Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Pertama dan selamanya terima kasih atas kunjungan ke atas blog yang dah berjaya di'renovate'kan sedikit sebanyak. Haha nampak macam formal sangat. So, kita tukar kepada informal mode ceh.

Haziqah Hasan

Nama diberi Haziqah binti Hasan
Sudah berusia 17 tahun. 
Was born on 9th December 2000 at HSAJB.
Hidup dengan family yang bahagia di Kampung Pasir Puteh, Pasir Gudang. Ore Johor la niii. 
I have a lot of mixes, heh gughau. Just Malay but not pure Malay la.
Islam is the way of my life.
Literally, desires to be a surgeon when I grow up.
Love travelling, books, eating, musics, netball and bla bla bla.

I've been blogging for 6 years!!! How fast time flies.
And yaaaa, for everyone who visits my blog for the first time, I would like you to know that this post is renovated post because I'd been reading my old post before and it was a shame with those tak matured intro about me. You know like, agas.

I will be sharing a lot of stuffs here but bear in mind that I'm not so good in writing but good in talking heh. So keep supporting me from my front, back and side to side.

So guys do enjoy my blog. If you have any comments whether to improve my blog *since I am not so good in writing* or ask anything, just leave it down here. Sorry cause I may not always up date my blog since I am so busy with my SPM. And yaa, pray for my SPM. Wish me the best of luck. Hehe, thank you.

Ukhuwah fillah,
Haziqah binti Hasan


Terima kasih sudi baca entry zqa . Do leave a comment yeah .